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The Safety Initiatives Of Peace River Logging In Northwest Alberta


In recognizing the inherent dangers of logging within Northwest Alberta, Peace River Logging Limited Partnership is dedicated to maintaining a safety-conscious workplace. This entails following the industry’s best safety practices while continuing to form a culture that values open communication and situational awareness while on the job site.

The management team at Peace River Logging understands the importance of safety, not only to our customers in the delivery of services, but also to the families of our employees who count on their loved ones returning home healthy each day. The leadership of the Peace River Logging promotes health and safety awareness, encourages continuous improvements in industry safety performance, and fosters values related to health and safety.


We have implemented a comprehensive Safety Management System that is part of each new employee’s first day of orientation.  Our focus on safety has earned the Peace River Logging a Certificate of Recognition through the Alberta Forest Products Association and Alberta Human Services.  We work to ensure that doing things safely isn’t considered a nuisance, but simply the way we do things.  At Peace River Logging, doing things the right way is always the best way—and most often, the safest way.

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